A bit of background/context to explain why it was Japanese-American families:
"After Japan bombed Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941, fear of a Japanese invasion and subversive acts by Japanese-Americans prompted President D. Roosevelt to sign Exective order 9066 on February 19, 1942. The act designated the West Coast as a military zone from which "any or all persons may be excluded." Although not specified in the order, Japanese-Americans were singled out for evacuation. More than 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry were removed from their homes and lost out on their businesses in California, Southern Arizona, Western Washington and Oregon and they were then sent to 10 relocation camps."
The reason I have chosen to look at his Manzanar project is because it falls back to the idea of truth within Photography; he got permission to go and photograph the people and the place of Manzanar but with the agreement that he couldn't show them as prisoners of war, he then asked himself the question of "how much of the truth can I actually tell without getting caught?" He took a risk when it came to this particular series but by exploring the ways around what the government had asked him not to include, he managed to obey them whilst not 100% obeying them and the photographs really do emphasise that point. This all links back to the context in which my project is based on by challenging the idea of truth within Photography.
Information can be found at: https://www.loc.gov/collections/ansel-adams-manzanar/about-this-collection/
Images can be found at: ansel adams manzanar
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